Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cow Flatulence

Rush said it would happen........
I heard an add on the radio today about the amount of green-house gasses a cow emits into the air each day. Chickens were not free from this gripe either. But of course cows are bigger, therefore they are a much bigger threat to our very unstable earth. So if we would just eliminate eating beef or chicken once each week we could reduce the amount of gasses in the earth by some absurd amount. The rate at which this world is going crazy is mind boggling. We will all be forced to be Vegans before we know it. As for me and my house we will eat meat!!
As a side note - thanks to all that came to the temple and shower - what a wonderful day for us!! Elyse said there was nothing better than seeing her family in the celestial room together.


  1. i actually respect vegans. they have a set a morals and stick with them. they may be over the top but i have been mormon long enough to know a few extreme crazies are just part of the deal when you believe in something. its the people like al gore and every moron in the media that want everyone else to change the way they live and thnk its ok for them to eat kobe beef at the white house and fly all over the world on a jet and tell people to switch to a 14 dollar light bulb ge makes. so if cow farts are bad i say make everyone who thinks global warming is man made be the first to sacrifice delicious meat and then maybe i will listen.

  2. i think my comment was longer than your post.

  3. its good to be passionate about things!!

  4. kelly....why are you the way you are?
