Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cow Flatulence

Rush said it would happen........
I heard an add on the radio today about the amount of green-house gasses a cow emits into the air each day. Chickens were not free from this gripe either. But of course cows are bigger, therefore they are a much bigger threat to our very unstable earth. So if we would just eliminate eating beef or chicken once each week we could reduce the amount of gasses in the earth by some absurd amount. The rate at which this world is going crazy is mind boggling. We will all be forced to be Vegans before we know it. As for me and my house we will eat meat!!
As a side note - thanks to all that came to the temple and shower - what a wonderful day for us!! Elyse said there was nothing better than seeing her family in the celestial room together.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Marinn had a dance competition this weekend. Sorry if I offend anyone that loves the dance life, but wow, i have forgotten what this whole process was about. I forgot that's it's really about the moms, who has the biggest camera lens, and who has the busiest life. I was shoved, stepped on, made to feel inferior more saturday than I have been in about 14 years. I know everyone doesn't feel that way about their daughter, but you all know the moms I'm talking about. I was kicked out of the "good mom's club" when I didn't bring a camera, sat and watched the girls from behind, and didn't have on the "Dance Mom" t-shirt. We are leaving the dance life behind to go to the much better life of sports, where the biggest camera lens still proves you are a good mom(Suzy, no offense, I'm just jealous of people who can actually take a picture!). I love watching my kids play ball but it's too bad we can't go back to the days when sports was about the kids and the parents just watched. There is a mom here in Cedar that wanted the moms to play the girls' softball team (8-10 year-olds) in a game. Maybe by the time Elyse's kids get old enough to play, the parents will just play each other and the kids will watch. I'll get off my soap box!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tanner's first date.....Junior Prom

The smiles are nervous, I'm sure they both are thinking about the kiss at the end of the date. They went to Rusty's for dinner, danced and watched a movie after. Everyone at breakfast the next day wanted to know if Tanner kissed her. He shyly said "no" . When did he get old enough to date?? I still remember when he was asking for "ass cream", seems not so long ago

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Patty, how do I upload pics from the web using URL's I have to always save the pic to my computer then upload it from my pics. I tried copying the URL from a picture but it won't work

just more practicing......