Sunday, March 13, 2011


Something happens when you are faced with deletion. I really didn't think I cared about this blog until I was faced with being deleted by Kelly and other family members. I haven't posted for over a year and can't even really remember how to load pictures any more but I really really don't want to be deleted!! So..I am going to get on the ball and share my extremely boring, trivial life with you just so I can remain in the loop of cool people.


  1. NOT BORING!!! How else will we get to see what is happening????? You just made it to the top of my list!

  2. And how else will we get to see those cute little boys. And you can always post pictures of your other loves. (your dogs)

  3. I'm Just computer lazy, il do better. Thanks for the push

  4. Finally!! We just like to know you are there. I'm so glad you posted again. I hated seeing that your last post was over a year ago, it made me feel lonely.

  5. Pathetic mother. How do you expect us to stay close if you don't blog it? Phones are overrated.
