Saturday, July 25, 2009

When we got to the MTC they have you drive into the parking lot across from the MTC. They said to take as much time as we needed. We walked over and took some pics in front of the sign. Then we got back in the car and drove across the street to the MTC. They guided us to our spot at the curb, told us to grab Dallin's luggage. We all got out to say goodbye. I was watching all the other missionaries and mom's to see if I was the only one blubbering. I wasn't. There was a lot of missionaries standing around after their families left looking like they were lost. We all hugged Dallin, I cried all over his suit coat, they told him to go to the glass building to get his name tag, and we got in the car and drove away. I really had no idea how I would feel about leaving my kid for two years. It really hit me hard that night, as i reached for my phone to call Dallin, that he would be gone for such a long time. I appreciated all the advice from the mom's that have sent missionaries off. It's really comforting to look at all of you that have sent my nephews off and know that I will survive and it will actually be a good experience. Thanks everyone!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good job Lori! Thanks for sharing the pictures:) I know exactly how it feels to leave your baby in the MTC. We all cried our eyes out too-after singing Called to Serve with all the other families. I had to stand on a chair to hug Cam:) I promise the time has flown by though. We can hardly believe he'll be home right after Christmas!!! Dallin will be a awesome missionary...
